Written by: Matrix360

The window of opportunity is the foundation for unleashing internal creativity and power for Dashawn Stephens. Dashawn’s mission to instigate progressive change for underserved and marginalized communities fuels his entrepreneurial business mindset. A graduate of the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in Speech Communication and Business, has set a solid foundation for his success.

“No matter how far fetched a goal may seem, the human mind has the ability to overcome the “impossible.”

Dashawn is about healthy relationships and partnerships. His principles are driven by his determination to evolve the mindsets in business, where human connectivity and mental health are prioritized and centralized for business success. His business and community development acumen are derived from directly working with and creating community initiatives for inner-city youth and kids. He is focused and purposeful in creating programs and initiatives to address barriers that prevent the upward mobility of youth and young professionals.

Matrix360 is excited to welcome Dashawn Stephens, in the newly created position of Associate, Partnerships & Engagement. As a new member of the Matrix360 team, Dashawn is responsible for building partnerships and spearheading our programs that are geared to the evolution of the real estate industry where diversity is celebrated and equity is the outcome.

Favorite Food(s): Oxtail, Anything Mexican, and anything with Quinoa
Favorite Colour: Green
Genres of Music: R&B, Hip Hop, Toronto Rap
Three Influencers: Lebron James, Brandon Gonez, Kobe Bryant
And Why: It is about mental and emotional strength that instigates and inspires social and economic change. It is about evolving systems and redefining what success is through intentional progressive action.
What Drives Dashawn: Knowledge. The ability to pass on knowledge and open doors for people. It is about the human connection to thrive.
Languages Spoken: English
Awards & Recognition: Athletic Scholarships at Waterloo (football and rugby), The creation and founding of PRSVRE (www.prsvre.com)